- - Chemical Manufacturing
- - Construction & Engineering Design
- - Energy & Mining
- - Flavor & Fragrance
- - Food & Beverage Technologies
- - Household, Industrial, & Institutional
- - Paints, Coatings, & Finishes
- - Personal Care
- - Pharmaceutical
- - Groundwater & Soil Remediation
- - Potable Water Treatment
- - Waste Water Treatment
Potable Water Treatment
Coyne is uniquely staffed with Chemical Application Specialists who are capable of conducting product evaluations and performance demonstrations both in the laboratory and in real time plant processes. They have extensive experience in identifying the right solutions, because important characteristics of each product can vary by application and supplier. Whether trying to find new technologies capable of meeting today's stringent water quality parameters or looking for alternative products to reduce costs while maintaining quality treatment, Coyne Environmental has the product line and expertise to continually provide you with the appropriate environmental chemicals and systems.
We are Strategically Positioned to provide world-class service and High Standards of Quality expected by our customers. Our ISO Certification, NACD Responsible Distribution© Verification, and vendor quality assurance program address the ever-growing demands and regulations you have to meet every day. By having our own in house laboratory, Coyne is able to offer an improved product quality assurance that many of our competitors can not. In addition, all of our packaging and transloafing facilities aer NSF/ANSI Standard 60 Certified.
Our goal is building and strengthening relationships with our partners through core values which help us continue to focus on Reinvestment and Sustainability.
Our wide range of products and expertise are successful in applications for:
- Algae Control
- Iron & Manganese Sequestering
- Alkalinity Adjustment
- Lime Slurry Inhibition
- Carbon Filtration
- Membrane Filtration
- Chlorination
- Mineral Enrichment
- Coagulation
- pH Control
- Corrosion Control & Inhibition
- Plant Maintenance
- Dechlorination
- Polymers
- Disinfection
- Scale Control & Prevention
- Enhanced Coagulation
- Sludge Reduction
- Flocculation & Solids Separation
- Taste & Odor Control
- Fluoridation
- THM Reduction
- Heavy Metals Reduction
- TOC Reduction
- Homeland Security Compliance
- Zebra Mussel Control
Coyne Chemical is a supplier of choice for many of the most prominent customers in potable water treatment. We stock numerous critical raw and specialty chemicals needed for cleaning and maintaining safe drinking water.
Our Potable Water Treatment Product Lines
Learn about the types of products Coyne provides to the Potable Water Treatment industry. Just click on a word below.