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IFT Annual Meeting + Expo

May 1, 2016


The Institute of Food Technologists or IFT is an international, non-profit professional organization for the advancement of food science and technology. It is the largest food science organization in the world, encompassing almost 18,000 members worldwide. It is referred to as "THE Society of Food Science and Technology."


Join us in Chicago !

Join thousands of your colleagues from around the world to learn about the newest trends, products, ingredients, processing technologies, and more, and their potential impact on your business. At this year's event, you’ll also find nearly unlimited opportunities to connect with other food professionals — experts from industry, academia, and government who are involved in both the science and the business of food.


You’ll gather more practical insights, make more professional contacts, and discover more innovation ideas in just four days than you can gain the rest of the year. Register and book your hotel today!

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